Home Skin Care 5 Tips for an Effective Hand Care Routine

5 Tips for an Effective Hand Care Routine


We’re dedicated to making sure your hands feel strong and healthy! Despite being one of the most used parts of our bodies, hands are one of the most overlooked when it comes to skincare. A proper hand care routine is essential if we want our hands to look as good as the rest of our body. Use our tips to find the best way to care for your hands.

Handwashing: Wash and Dry Your Hands the Right Way

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Handwashing is one of the most important parts of your skincare routine. Depending on your daily routine, your hands may be exposed to chalk, dirt, and grease, all of which can cause irritated or dry skin on your hands. The first thing to know: use a mild soap or moisturizing hand wash when it comes to your hands to avoid drying your skin out.

For water, use cold or lukewarm, not hot. Hot water dries out your skin more quickly without being any more effective than lukewarm water. Similarly, stay away from prolonged heat. Instead of using a hand dryer to dry your hands, shake your hands dry and gently pat them down with a soft towel.
Moisturizing: How to Improve the Look and Feel of Your Hands

Your hands tend to be one of the most exposed areas of your skin, so the skin on your hands tend to shed skin cells faster and more often. Regular moisturizing allows the skin to retain its natural supple texture.

The best times to use moisturizers are after a bath, exfoliating, dishwashing, and before going to bed. For those with extra dry hands, it’s best to moisturize each time you wash your hands. Keep a wet skin moisturizer near your sink for easy and fast-absorbing hand moisturization.

To moisturize your hands overnight, slather lotion or an ultra-hydrating hand cream on your hands and wear cotton gloves overnight to retain the moisture for several hours.

Exfoliation is the process of sloughing away dead skin cells to expose the fresh skin cells underneath. Use the exfoliation method best suited for your skin type. Scrubbing is more effective for oily skin, while chemical exfoliators are recommended for dry or sensitive skin.

It’s best to exfoliate your hands twice a week, as more frequent exfoliation can irritate the skin and abrade perfectly healthy skin cells prematurely. If you have sensitive skin or open cuts on your hands, avoid exfoliation as it can lead to irritation.

An often neglected part of an ideal hand care routine is sunscreen. Sunscreen is a key step in protecting your skin from sunburn and premature aging. When applying sunscreen to your hands, apply moisturizer first and then apply sunscreen. If you’re spending all day outside, be sure to reapply sunscreen about every 90 minutes and after you wash your hands.

To prevent prolonged contact with cleaning supplies, use gloves when doing the dishes, the laundry, or other household chores. In the winter, keep your hands covered to prevent your skin from drying out. Low humidity and cold temperature often means less moisture in the air, which can lead to dry and cracked hands.



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